Placemaking is creating the conditions for life to flourish in a space. But it can be a daunting proposition knowing where to begin, what to invest in, or how to get people engaged so we are here to help. At UrbanTacticians we are passionate about supporting public, private and not-for-profit organisations create great places by developing strategies and projects that will help life to take hold in a space, and thrive.
We work with you to make future plans that stick and will develop your capacity and capability so you can continue to innovate and unleash the creativity and energy in your communities.
. Each place/neighbourhood/district/city is different and every situation unique so get in touch to explore your next move.
We look forward to talking about your situation and our services include:
Strategic planning
District and neighbourhood planning
Policy development & evaluation
Development planning
Tactical urbanism projects
Retail strategy
Visitor attraction and destination planning
Mainstreet / high street revitalisation
Place evaluation and observations
Residential development
Community-Government-Private sector collaboration
Workshop & walk-shop facilitation
Community development
Government innovation, structures and culture transformation
Government staff training & development